The Datastead Multipurpose Encoder does not accept video samples coming from the preview pin of the Smart Tee. To build a graph that render through…
From the TVideoGrabber SDK the typical sample code is; e.g. to stream the screen capture (adjust eventually destination IP, bitrate, etc…): VideoGrabber.VideoSource = vs_ScreenRecording; VideoGrabber.UseNearestVideoSize…
To get a correct frame rate, use the TVideoGrabber SDK + Multipurpose Encoder, that allow to encode through the GPU. To install the Multipurpose Encoder,…
Disable VideoGrabber.RecordingInNativeFormat. By default, when VideoGrabber.RecordingInNativeFormat=true with URL sources, the video stream of the URL is not decompressed/recompressed, it is saved “as is” in the…
On Windows 10 N, the Media Feature Pack is required but not installed by default. To install it, to go : Settings > Apps >…
(this requires the Datastead Multipurpose Encoder to be installed) The typical sample code to record in MP4 is, e.g.: #define ENCODER_RECORDING_ID 0 // the encoder…
The latest build of FFmpeg included in the Multipurpose encoder requires the NVidia NVENC API version 9. Updating the NVidia driver to the latest version…
Remove the “SHOWCONSOLE” keyword from the Multipurpose Encoder command line.
To push the Multipurpose Encoder output to a Wowza server, the sample command line is: “FFmpegLGPL.exe -i %PIPE% -acodec aac -ab 64k -ac 2 -vcodec…