Specify AudioSource = as_UseExternalAudio and specify the index of the audio device as follows, e.g.: Videograbber.VideoSource = vs_IPCamera; VideoGrabber.AudioSource = as_UseExternalAudio; // pass to AudioDeviceIndex…
Setting VideoGrabber.VideoRenderer = vr_RecordingPriority should fix the problem. If the problem remains anyway please contact our support.
This was a Delphi 12.0 problem that is fixed after applying the Embarcadero’s patch “Radstudio 12.0 Patch 1” released on January 10.
If starting a HTTP URL in MJPEG format returns an error and the Datastead RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/ONVIF Source Filter is installed, try again: – from the TVideoGrabber…
To preview, use the following sample code:VideoGrabber.VideoSource =vs_IPCameraVideoGrabber.IPCameraURL = “http://IPADDRESS/osc/commands/execute”VideoGrabber.SetAuthentication (at_IPCamera, “user”, “password”)VideoGrabber.StartPreview() To preview and record in native MJPEG mode, use the following sample…
If case of compilation error when assigning: VideoGrabber->OnFrameCaptureCompleted = VideoGrabberFrameCaptureCompleted; replace the types below in bold: void __fastcall TForm1::VideoGrabberFrameCaptureCompleted(TObject *Sender, Pointer FrameBitmap, int BitmapWidth, int…
A) from the TVideoGrabber SDK: 1) the OnFrameProgress2 and OnFrameBitmap events report FrameInfo->NTPFrameTime through the TFrameInfo structure passed as parameter of the event 2) invoke…
This is because the default video renderer uses DirectX, set VideoGrabber.VideoRenderer = vr_RecordingPriority
From the TVideoGrabber SDK the typical sample code is; e.g. to stream the screen capture (adjust eventually destination IP, bitrate, etc…): VideoGrabber.VideoSource = vs_ScreenRecording; VideoGrabber.UseNearestVideoSize…
To get a correct frame rate, use the TVideoGrabber SDK + Multipurpose Encoder, that allow to encode through the GPU. To install the Multipurpose Encoder,…