If case of compilation error when assigning: VideoGrabber->OnFrameCaptureCompleted = VideoGrabberFrameCaptureCompleted; replace the types below in bold: void __fastcall TForm1::VideoGrabberFrameCaptureCompleted(TObject *Sender, Pointer FrameBitmap, int BitmapWidth, int…
The current versions require linking to d3d9.lib and dwmapi.lib, just add them to the project and recompile. For older 32bit only versions of C++Builder, these…
Create a font and select it in the DC before calling TextOut, e.g.: static void CALLBACK OnFrameBitmap(void *Object, void *Sender, TFrameInfo *FrameInfo, TFrameBitmapInfo *BitmapInfo) {…
In the project settings, go to: C++-Linker -> Advanced -> Advanced Options and add “-GF:LARGEADDRESSAWARE”